The Paw Club: A Restaurant, a Grooming Hub, and a Pet Hotel in One

OCTOBER 11, 2018 /

Photo from The Paw Club Ph IG

Have you heard of the brown sugar milk tea trend lately? Well, The Paw Club has their own version: the Black Sugar Pearl Milk (Black Sugar Syrup with Fresh Milk and Pearls). Trust me, this is worth trying.

Aside from being visually stunning, this Butterfly Pea Lemonade tastes as good as it looks. It has the right balance of sourness and sweetness – a refreshing note to cap off a wonderful meal.

With all of this food, I’m sure you’ll go back again. Let’s not disregard the pets there, either! They are the stars of the place, after all.

No pet? No problem! The Paw Club has some pets roaming around, too, or you can mingle with other pet owners there!

A day at The Paw Club provides the ultimate bonding moment for an owner and their pets. Aside from being a restaurant, they are also a grooming hub and a hotel for pets.

After eating, you can have your pet groomed by their excellent resident pet groomer. You have a choice of getting them cleaned, getting their hair and/or nails trimmed, and a whole lot more. Pets deserve pampering, too!

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